
美标UL1558 Low Voltage SwitchGear 开关柜

美标UL1558 Low Voltage SwitchGear 开关柜

frame sizes for panel design. Various accessories and connection methods realize user-friendly handling. 

Susol ACB provides the total solution with an advanced trip relay for measurement, diagnosis, analysis, and communication as well as protective functions for absolute protective coordination and electric power monitoring system.

Susol ACB low voltage power circuit breakers are designed and built to the following standards.˙ANSI C37.13, ANSI C37.16, ANSI C37.17, ANSI C37.50, UL 1066 (cULus Listed), CSA C22.2 No.31-10

Modular design

3 compact frame sizes that enables users to design panels of optimal volume

High(130kA) breaking capacity full line-up to 6000A at 508Vac

Satisfy the needs for compact sized panels

N-Phase conducting capacity 100%

Monitor temperatures for safety (Optional)

Easy installation of accessories

Interchangeable trip unit and rating plug