
美标UL Padmount Switchgear 箱变

美标UL Padmount Switchgear 箱变

Cabinet is secured to the tank.

Doors swing back for unobstructed access and can be removed as well.

Cabinet hood swings back for easier access into the front panel.

Removable tank cover for full access into the transformer interior.

3 point door latching mechanism with penta head bolt retention.

Steel barrier separates high and low voltage compartments.

Security access to HV compartment via two pebta head bolts.

Tank is equipped with 4 large lifting lugs and jack provisions.

Tank and cabinet painted green Munsell 7GY3.29/1.5.

HV bushing are extemally clamed universak wells.

LV bushings are extemally clamped NEMA spades.

Removable neutral ground strap on low voltage neutral bushing.

One inch oil fill plug,and pressure relief debice.

Laser etched aluminum nameplate.

Five legged core and coil assembly.

Production electrical testing per ANSIC57.12.00 and ANSI C57.12.90